
目前顯示的是 6月, 2019的文章

Sasha Sloan - Older 中文歌詞翻譯

[Verse 1] I used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen 曾經我關上門,當媽媽在廚房尖叫時 I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen 我打開音樂,嘗試沉浸在音樂裡,而不去聽它 To every little fight 'cause neither one was right 在每場小爭小鬥,沒有一個人是對的 [Pre-Chorus] I swore I'd never be like them 我發誓我以後絕對不會和他們一樣 But I was just a kid back then 但我現在還只是個小孩 [Chorus] The older I get, the more that I see 經過越多歲月,經歷越多事情 My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me 我發現我的父母不是英雄,他們就和我一樣 And loving is hard, it don't always work 愛一個人是難的,而且不會永遠成功 You just try your best not to get hurt 你只是試著別傷害到自己 I used to be mad, but now I know 我以前會因此生氣,但現在我知道 Sometimes it's better to let someone go 有時候讓他走比較好 It just hadn't hit me yet 因為他還沒開始傷害我 The older I get 歷經的歲月啊~ [Verse 2] I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy 我曾經煩惱過,為什麼他們沒有開心過 I used to close my eyes and pray for a whole 'nother family 我曾經閉上雙眼,祈禱能有一個沒有